- 学位論文
1. 「中国企業組織コミットメントについての考察――広東省における国有企業と三資企業の比較研究」、
京都大学大学院 経済学研究科修士論文、2003年1月提出。
2. 「組織コミットメントを中心とする個人と組織の関係」、京都大学博士学位(経済学)請求論文、
- 論 文
1. Wang, Y. (2004). Observations on the organizational commitment of Chinese employees: comparative studies of
state-owned enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises,
The International Journal of Human Resource Management.15(4/5), pp. 649-669.
2. Wang, Y. (2008). Emotional bonds with supervisor and co-workers: Relationship to organizational commitment in
China’s foreign-invested companies, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(5), pp.916-931.
3. Wang, Y. (2009) Examination on Philosophy-based Management of Contemporary Japanese Corporations:
Philosophy, Value Orientation and performance,
Journal of Business Ethics, 85(1), pp.1-12.
4. 王英燕(2010)、「経営理念に関する考察―電気機器企業の実証研究より」『経営哲学』、第7巻、1号、
pp. 114-117.
5. Wang, Y. (2010) Intention to stay in Chinese foreign-invested companies:previous experiences, initial expectations
and current satisfactions, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(11), pp.1996-2012.
6. Wang, Y. & O’Reilly, C.A. (2010). Disposition, organizational commitment and satisfaction: A longitudinal study
of MBA graduates Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 21(8), pp.829-847.
7. 高尾義明・王英燕 (2011)、「経営理念の浸透次元と影響要因―組織ルーチン論からのアプローチ」、
8. Wang, Y. (2011) Mission-Driven Organizations in Japan: Management Philosophy and Individual Outcomes,
Journal of Business Ethics,101(1), pp.111-126.
9. Wang, Y. & Hioki, K. (2012) "Identity Expression and Self Representation: Comparative Study of Three
Business-related Pavilions at Expo 2010 Shanghai" 中牧弘允(編)『上海万博の経営人類学的研究』、
10. 日置弘一郎・王英燕(2012)、「連合出展のビジネス・パビリオンにおけるビジュアル・アイデンティティの
11. 王英燕 (2013)、「わたしと仕事 広島2012調査報告」、
『科研環境の不確実性と動機付けのダイナミズム 研究成果報告書』、pp.1-17.
12. Wang, Y. (2013). In pursuit of sacred space: A study on modern Chinese intellectual businessmen,
Senri Ethnological Studies, 82, pp.177-184.
13. Wang, Y. (2014). Job satisfaction, perceived organizational support, and commitment of professional
employees: The moderating effect of previous job and organization-related perception, 『しごと能力研究』2014号、
14. Wang, Y. (2015) Examining organizational citizenship behavior of Japanese employees: a multi-dimensional
analysis of the relationship to organizational commitment,
The International Journal of Human Resource Management,26, pp.425-444.
15. Wang, Y. & Li, C. (2015) Hierarchical and Physical Location Matter: The Asymmetrical Effect of Position
Dissimilarity in Different Location Groups, Paper accepted for Academy of Management Annual Meeting